Sumiton Christian Athletics
Member of the 2A Alabama High School Athletic Association
In keeping with our goal to "develop the whole child spiritually, academically, socially and physically," the Athletic Department offers a wide variety of sports throughout the school year. Healthy competitions and the accompanying lessons of self-discipline, personal sacrifice, and teamwork help students become individuals with superior character. The Athletic Department employs coaches and support staff who all work closely with our student athletes and their parents.
Sumiton Christian provides athletics for elementary age students through the Sumiton Christian Youth Association (SCYA) while junior high and senior high students can participate in a variaty of team sports through our athletic program lead by Athletic Director Bart Black.
We are blessed to have an amazing athletic program here at SCS. Our coaches sacrifice so much to invest in the lives of our students on and off the field. I am so proud of our student athletes and want to personally thank each student, parent, coach and volunteer for their hard work and deciation toward the continued growth and excellence of our athletic programs. I pray that we are known for our outstanding pograms, but more importantly that our words and actions reflect God's love. We are a Christian school, and I want our distinctive mark to be that others may see Christ in us. I know that God will bless the efforts of everyone involved and we will have a great season at SCS!
Mrs. Capps, Principal

Forms and Waivers
Please visit to fill out required forms and waivers. SCS school code is: 872Q8Q.

David Powell
Athletic Director
Email Coach Powell
SCS is a part of the Alabama High School Athletic Association. Please follow updates from AHSAA at one of the following:
Twitter – @AHSAAUpdates
Facebook – @AlabamaHighSchoolAthleticAssociation
Instagram – @ahsaasports
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