Arts at Sumiton Christian encompasses music, drama and fine arts. For music appreciation, elementary students are taught a varied and well-balanced music curriculum, including music notation and terminology, music history, and instrumental families following Alabama Course of Study and National Standards. They also learn to play recorders and various percussion instruments to help them understand the dynamics of reading and playing music up through 5th grade. Elementary age students are also encouraged to participate in various performances and productions throughout the year to help gain confidence. We have a concert at the end of each semester as well as a Veteran's Day program and Grandparent's Day program. The 4th and 5th grade students also attend the AISA State Choral Festival held in April each year.
Lastly, Sumiton Christian offers a wonderful fine arts program taught by certified teachers. Weekly art classes are available for student through 5th grade and offered as an elective for students in the 6th-12th grades. Students are taught a variety of media from classic drawing, clay, bead weaving, repurposed art and sculpture. Student's artwork is featured in the annual SCS Elementary Art Show. Students who place in the art show can go on to compete regionally, at the state level and beyond. The art department along with students also likes to complete beautification projects around the campus as well.

Performing Arts
Theater Arts and Drama begin in the 6th grade. Junior High theater classes study vocal, kinesthetic, emotional, analytical and intellectual elements of theater. Projects range from speech, puppetry, and radio sound effects dramas to storytelling, reader's theater, improvisation and play production.
Faculty and Staff

Averill Johnson
Music & Drama Teacher
Email Mrs. Johnson

Christy Williams
Fine Arts Teacher
Email Mrs. Williams